A new website
Today I released a new personal site: http://www.cristianmarquez.me
For build this site, I used the following tools:
- Template: I'm using the ALPHA html5 template available on html5up.net. They are responsive!
- GitHub: For source code management. The repo is here
- Ftploy: As a Continuous Delivery tool, publishing my master branch via ftp.
Additional tools:
- Web Page Test.org to know if my site is working correctly
- Font Awesome for the icons on the page
This is the result:
WebPageTest report:
For the Compress transfer and Cache Static Content, Apache uses the .htaccess file.
For the image compression, I used CompressJPG
As this is a personal page, I don't care about CDN. However, it is possible to use AWS CloudFrount or others CDN providers.
This is the output of FTPloy:
This is the output of FTPloy:
Labels: devops, english, git to ftp, projects, web